Mason First Presbyterian Church
Antiracism Statement
(adopted in 2024)
Facing Racism: The First Presbyterian Church of Mason policy affirms that “Racism is the opposite of what God intends for humanity. It is a lie about our fellow human beings, for it says that some are less than others.”(1) Racism is a system of racial prejudice exerted by those in power – institutionally and individually, consciously and unconsciously – that is deeply ingrained in the history of the United States. It benefits white people in the dominant culture while disadvantaging and oppressing people of color.
We are a part of an institution founded and historically run by white people that remains almost wholly white. We must come to terms with this reality and its implications for the work we do, and the audiences we reach. We are undeniably implicated in the entrenched legacies of racism and white supremacy that continue to shape the United States and our church.
We are mandated by a directive from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to “embrace antiracism as a major part of our corporate identity.”(1) To this end, we state unequivocally that racism and all forms of discrimination and marginalization are sins against humanity and God, inconsistent with our Christian and institutional values and unacceptable within our church. We understand that we must unlearn and undo existing racist values and structures that persist despite our expressed values and intentions if we are to create an antiracist church where all persons are treated with respect, all gifts are valued and encouraged, and diversity is a gift to be valued.
As we strive to be an antiracist church, we commit to:
• Repenting of the role we collectively and individually have played and continue to play in creating and maintaining white supremacy and systemic racism;
• providing antiracism and cultural humility training for employees as directed by the PC(USA) antiracism policy;
• developing and implementing practices and strategies to disrupt and dismantle racism and oppression in the church and the world;
• striving for racial equality in recruitment, hiring, and retention of employees;
• when possible, expanding our use of diverse suppliers;
• managing church investments in ways that increase our witness to racial justice and equity;
• taking steps of reparation and restorative action in response to disparities of wealth created and sustained by white supremacy;
• working in partnership with other local institutions and entities in their antiracism efforts;
• acting courageously and creatively against police brutality, voter suppression, educational and healthcare inequity, and other acts and practices of systemic racism on federal, state, and local levels;
• putting into practice General Assembly directives to build an intercultural church where justice and equity prevail.
Finally, our church antiracism policy affirms: Because of our biblical understanding of who God is and what God intends for humanity, we must stand against, speak against, and work against racism. Antiracist effort is not optional for Christians, it is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, without which we fail to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
(1) Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community, 222nd General Assembly (2016)
We are a part of an institution founded and historically run by white people that remains almost wholly white. We must come to terms with this reality and its implications for the work we do, and the audiences we reach. We are undeniably implicated in the entrenched legacies of racism and white supremacy that continue to shape the United States and our church.
We are mandated by a directive from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to “embrace antiracism as a major part of our corporate identity.”(1) To this end, we state unequivocally that racism and all forms of discrimination and marginalization are sins against humanity and God, inconsistent with our Christian and institutional values and unacceptable within our church. We understand that we must unlearn and undo existing racist values and structures that persist despite our expressed values and intentions if we are to create an antiracist church where all persons are treated with respect, all gifts are valued and encouraged, and diversity is a gift to be valued.
As we strive to be an antiracist church, we commit to:
• Repenting of the role we collectively and individually have played and continue to play in creating and maintaining white supremacy and systemic racism;
• providing antiracism and cultural humility training for employees as directed by the PC(USA) antiracism policy;
• developing and implementing practices and strategies to disrupt and dismantle racism and oppression in the church and the world;
• striving for racial equality in recruitment, hiring, and retention of employees;
• when possible, expanding our use of diverse suppliers;
• managing church investments in ways that increase our witness to racial justice and equity;
• taking steps of reparation and restorative action in response to disparities of wealth created and sustained by white supremacy;
• working in partnership with other local institutions and entities in their antiracism efforts;
• acting courageously and creatively against police brutality, voter suppression, educational and healthcare inequity, and other acts and practices of systemic racism on federal, state, and local levels;
• putting into practice General Assembly directives to build an intercultural church where justice and equity prevail.
Finally, our church antiracism policy affirms: Because of our biblical understanding of who God is and what God intends for humanity, we must stand against, speak against, and work against racism. Antiracist effort is not optional for Christians, it is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, without which we fail to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
(1) Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community, 222nd General Assembly (2016)